Fishing Reports

Cool mornings, warm days, is the definition of Spring in the air!!! The stage is set and the fish know it!! Snook and redfish have started flooding the flats and creek mouths. Trout have invade the slow flats surrounding the Tampa Bay Area. Which has made for some incredible fishing last week. Bait has been… Continue reading Spring is in the air

Spring is here!!! After one of the coldest winter in years, spring is finally knocking on the door. With days getting longer and water temps holding around 70. It’s the perfect recipe for amazing fishing!!! Trout but has been absolutely on fire, with lots of fish being caught on artificial and live bait. Redfish we should… Continue reading Spring is here

Weather looks like going to finally going to stay stable for a few weeks! Redfish bite remains fire, along with speckled trout fishing!! Some of the biggest trout seen in years have been coming over the rails!! Fish have moved up on rock and oyster bars like I haven’t seen in years. Key has been moving water… Continue reading Redfish bite remains fire

Merry Christmas!!! Wow!!! What a major cold blast of air for us Floridians!! Last few days has felt like being in the North Pole!! Water temps have drop drastically, went from being in the mid 70s to low 50s. Which has shaken up the fishery a little, but with warm weather moving back in next week going be like… Continue reading Amazing Fishing Coming Right Up

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! There’s not much of a change in January compared to last month. One of the biggest changes you will notice is even more cool weather moving in from the north and the extreme negative tides that we get this month. Negative tides occur more often this month due to… Continue reading Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!! There’s not much of a change in January compared to last month. One of the biggest changes you will notice is even more cool weather moving in from the north and the extreme negative tides that we get this …

What can you say, but absolutely amazing weather for January!!! Which in return has made fishing on fire!!!! Trout have shown up in huge schools along the west coast of FL along pasco county line. Look for this fish to be staging on oyster bars, rock jetties, creek mouths and grass flats with spot bottom.… Continue reading Feb 2021 Fishing Report

Fall is just around the corner. Days are getting shorter and nights are getting a little cooler. Fishing in Clearwater, FL and Tampa Bay is about to get as good as it gets. Snook, trout, redfish, and variety of other species will be looking to fatten up for the up coming winter. August is the… Continue reading Fishing is as good as it gets!

June was an absolute amazing month with tons of monster tarpon and giant snook caught along beautiful Clearwater Beach. July is here which means time to switch gears to big breeder black drum along the bay bridges. Along with fishing shady mangroves lines for beautiful redfish, snook, trout, and a variety of other species that will be eagerly waiting to smash a fresh lively bait.… Continue reading Monster Tarpon and Giant Snook
February has been nothing short of spectacular so far this month. With such abnormal temperatures it has felt more like spring and the fish are feeling the same way. Speckled Trout have been concreted in large numbers over the grass spot holes and has made for some outstanding fishing. 1/4 oz jig head with a… Continue reading February Charter Fishing Report For Clearwater Area

There’s not much of a change in February compared to last month. So want to give some tips for finding and producing fish. One of the biggest changes you will notice is even more cool weather moving in from the north and the extreme negative tides that we get this month. Negative tides occur more often this month due… Continue reading February Fishing Report!!!
Rain, Rain, And More Rain!!!!!! That seem to be the norm especially the towards the end of August. One nice thing about all that rain was it cooled the water down. Which made the fish chew a little bit better then normal last month. As we move into September hopefully we will see clam days… Continue reading September Fishing Report for Clearwater to Hudson!!!!